Each speech or event is the opportunity to create an unforgettable memory.
I take great pride in creating custom events, speeches, or performances for your needs. But, here are a few ideas for inspiration…
How a Nerd Figured out the World
A vulnerable, transparent, and enlightening journey through my eyes - what it is like to understand little about the people around you and how that journey can help you too see things differently.
Coffee Conversations with a Magician
Sit down, grab a coffee, and enjoy some conversation with a magician, interspersed with tricks. No gimmicks, no forced theatrics. Just the audience, a magician, and a dose of honesty.
Stage-Fright to Performance Junkie
I used to be so scared to talk to people, I would literally have a panic attack trying to make an announcement or talk to a cute girl. Now, I perform for a living. Let’s talk about THAT wild ride.
A Number is Worth 1000 Words
Numbers were the way I found peace. They brought tranquility to drama, steadiness to anxiety, and order among trying to figure out how to ask out my high school crush (my calculated chances: 0%).
And just a few obligatory reviews…
"Bringing psychology, philosophy and ethics to his own story Alec showed us all how to better live our own lives. Honest and insightful about the true meaning to be found in life, Alec helped us all to see the best in ourselves and believe in our potential.”
“I’ve taken numerous courses throughout my high school and college career, but I can say honestly say that I’ve taken and applied more from what I’ve learned in Alec’s classes than any other course. The fact that I’m still remembering and using simple lessons that he taught me from back in high school is a testimony in itself."
“Alec creates an atmosphere when he’s teaching that exudes curiosity, complexity, and comfort, leading students, young and old, to aspire to learn more.”
"Despite his speech taking up nearly half the day, I never once felt bored or tired and his humor managed to keep things interesting. The interactive sessions were interesting, especially the negotiation activity since I’ve never really done anything like that before."
"Alec finds a way to connect with students, creating relatable and engaging presentations."
"He has never ceased to impress me with all the advice and information that he offers to his students. I have witnessed Alec’s development as an individual who wishes to offer higher forms of education and view him as someone who I wish to emulate.
"Alec shared many interesting subtleties of human interaction that got me thinking about details. Through Alec’s sharp analytic lens, I was able to consider the subconscious, less concrete aspects of communication"
"Alec provides an interesting and innovative view, a different and refreshing perspective."